Utility Bill

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Utility Bill
Billing Date Electricity & Water Readings Monthly Utility Consumption Address Account Information Utility Charges Address

Billing Date

The billing date is the billing period for the current bill. It is located in the top middle portion of your bill, just above the previous and current readings.

Electricity & Water Readings

The electricity & water readings show the previous meter reading and the current meter reading for the service period.

Monthly Utility Consumption

Your monthly utility consumption is the amount of water and electricity used during the billing period calculated as the difference between the previous meter reading and the current meter reading.


Your address is the physical location in Montserrat where your utility services are provided. It includes the block & parcel number of the real property and/or P.O. Box number where utility services are provided.

Account Information

Your account information  contains the information regarding the utility account including account number, type of service, and block & parcel number.  The account number is required to make a payment and is located directly beneath the your address.

Utility Charges

Your utility charge is a detailed explanation of the bill charges and usage.


Your address is the physical location in Montserrat where your utility services are provided. It includes the block & parcel number of the real property and/or P.O. Box number where utility services are provided.